Shockingly, upon revealing herself as Agnes Jurati to Admiral Picard, the Borg Queen fought alongside Starfleet to prevent an unnamed foe from entering Star Trek's Prime timeline. The Borg Queen ...
Star Trek: Picard's very first episode ... sufficient warning not to let her put a hand on your head, Doctor! What Agnes Jurati lacked in home cooking, she certainly made up for in homicide.
The cast members are Jean Patrick Stewart as Luc-Picard, Alison Pill as Dr. Agnes Jurati, Isa Briones as Dahj and Soji Asha, ...
However, the one crossover that Star Trek fans always wanted to see, but never did, was an encounter between Captain Kirk’s Enterprise-A and Captain Picard’s Enterprise-D from The Next Generation.
On February 19, 2023, showrunner Matalas, along with actors Michael Dorn (Worf), LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge), and Jonathan Frakes (William Riker), appeared for an interview at the IGN Fan Fest ...