Plans to increase council tax in Cardiff and make other changes that could affect life in the city have passed their first hurdle. Cardiff Council's cabinet members formally gave their endorsement ...
However more than £12.3m worth of pension credit is unclaimed in Cardiff, with an estimated 4,300 ... housing costs, council tax bills, and TV licence. Cllr Bradbury added: "Changes to the ...
Opposition groups put forward alternative budgets which included plans to increase council tax by less and trial a new recycling scheme but these were not carried ...
Major sporting events, such as rugby internationals at the Principality Stadium, carry a cost for Cardiff council ... hotels in the capital thought a tax was "inevitable". The council has not ...
Cardiff council plans to increase council tax, increase the cost of residential parking permits, and get rid of dozens of roles. Following the Welsh Government's budget decision on Thursday, February ...
A number of measures are being put forward by the council, including job cuts, increasing council tax and increasing the cost of car parking permits ...
Taxing overnight stays in Cardiff could help cover the cost of hosting ... Huw Thomas said hotels in the capital thought a tax was "inevitable". The council has not yet decided whether it will ...