Paresh Baruah, the self-exiled chief of the banned Ulfa, has allegedly relocated to the Xishuangbanna Dai region of Yunnan ...
During Khaleda Zia's prominence in Bangladesh politics, Paresh Baruah remained in Bangladesh, and orchestrated extremist ...
"China is a very important country for us for economy, security, peace on the Korean Peninsula, and stability in Northeast ...
Everyone can find their favorite snacks here. As one of the world's largest transnational ethnic groups, Dai people are present both in China and across Southeast Asia and India. Their culinary ...
The recent anti-China sentiment spreading among South Korea's conservative bloc suggests these groups are playing the "China card" to advance their political agenda, Beijing's top envoy to Seoul has ...
China acknowledges S. Korea’s hopes for Xi’s visit, but Dai sidesteps direct answer Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Dai Bing sounded the alarm over a small but “destructive” anti-China faction that ...
Now Dai Yongge may face a range of restrictions in China over the unpaid debts, including 'a travel ban, restrictions on high spendings, public censure and recording in credit records and list of ...
Dai Wai-tsun, better known as “Tsun Dai” in the UK and “Dai Weijun” in China, has become the first Hong Kong-born footballer called up to the Chinese national football squad in the modern era.