Traders are getting increasingly anxious. Demand is rising for hedges to offset the risk of EM exchange rates weakening ...
Panama is on the verge of losing its investment-grade credit rating, struggling to meet budget targets and engaged in a tug ...
The fund posted returns of-3.58% (Institutional shares) and-3.64% (Investor A shares, without sales charge) for the fourth ...
The Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bond ETF ( VCLT 0.79%) is currently the second-best option in the Vanguard family for ...
Foreigners added nearly $16 billion to their emerging market portfolios in February, with investors loading up on Chinese ...
Poland and Romania, two of the largest sovereign issuers in EM, have sold €8.3bn and €4bn so far this year. Albania and Slovakia have also issued. The first pair has plenty more to do, according to ...
Quell inflation or spur economic growth? For now, the US Federal Reserve had held its policy rate steady, but with America ...
While the path is uncertain, a potential ceasefire could bring some respite to the region and could also have significant ...
While putting your money in foreign markets might sound complex, there are exchange-traded funds (ETFs) set up to streamline ...
A plunge in global risk appetite is pushing emerging-market investors into higher quality dollar bonds, signaling a years-long rally in junk debt from developing nations might be at an end.