Liberty Global Inc. is headed to federal appeals court Monday over the tax treatment of gains from its $3.25 billion foreign ...
the Foreign Tax Credit is a way to lessen your U.S. tax liability and offset income taxes paid to other countries. Earning passive income doesn't need to be difficult. You can start this week.
Sam Edwards / Getty Images The foreign tax credit is a U.S. tax credit used to offset income tax paid abroad. U.S. citizens and resident aliens who pay income taxes imposed by a foreign country or ...
Khan had declared an income of Rs 83.42 crore in his tax return, but the tax officer reassessed it as Rs 84.17 crore and ...
In late October 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in Romano v. Hancock Life Insurance ...
A Bollywood actor wins a major tax case on Foreign Tax Credit (FTC). Learn how FTC works, key legal takeaways, and how to ...
In its ruling, the ITAT Pune concluded that the provisions of Rule 128 (9) are directory, not mandatory, aligning with judicial precedents emphasizing the supremacy of DTAA provisions in cases of ...
Khan's UK earnings were taxed in the UK, and India's DTAA with the UK allowed him to offset this tax against his Indian ...
Actor Shah Rukh Khan has won a significant victory against the Income Tax authorities in his dispute over foreign tax credit ...
The recent FPI sell off in the market has resulted in incidence of significant capital gains in India, experts say ...
As per a new report, the ITAT bench held that reassessment of Shah Rukh Khan's case by the income-tax department was not ...
Hancock Life Insurance Company, F.4th 729 (11th Cir. 2024) that certain foreign tax credits that were generated as a result of 401(k) plan investments in separate accounts owned by John Hancock ...