The consortium Danske Flådeskibe stands ready to take on the entire task of delivering and servicing new Arctic patrol ships ...
How big a naval force does the U.S. need, and what mix of ships is best in an increasingly contested world? Defense One takes ...
Armed with $600 million in fresh funding, Austin-based Saronic Technologies has set its sights on building a shipyard for ...
This spring, the Defiant will embark upon a multi-month demonstration that will test the craft’s autonomy, endurance, and ...
When ships are autonomous, the navy and other shipping industries won ... The company sees a future in the next 10 years or so where autonomous boats are out in the water for up to 100 days ...
Data Points: At this time the PRC Navy consists of over 400 ships, 225 armed Chinese Coast Guard ships of 500 tons or more, and vast numbers of its Maritime Militia. Against these forces ...
In FY '95 we ask for only four ships, but one of them ... Another element of the Navy's recapitalization strategy that will determine our success in future defense acquisition will be our ability ...
The future Flight III Arleigh Burke USS Ted ... Paxton called for a partnership with the Navy in building ships rather than a competition among shipyards for contracts. “The emphasis on ...
It is believed that the Defiant will house 16 Mk 41 missile cells in future variants ... planned to integrate autonomous drone ships into the U.S. Navy fleet, thereby enhancing combat power ...