The housing application opens on Wednesday, November 13 at 10 a.m. for all students interested in living on campus the following year, including incoming first-year students, returning students, ...
To qualify for affordable housing in New Jersey, applicants must earn at or below 80% of the median family income for the ...
Are you looking to live with a new roommate? Complete the pull-in form. Your new roommate must have a completed housing application by Feb. 16 to participate in round 1 of self-selection.
All students needing housing after May 9 are required to fill out the Summer Housing application form, regardless of length of stay. Calvin University is a convenient and safe option for summer living ...
To apply, visit the Online Housing Portal, click on the housing application form, and opt into the LLC program within the housing application. LLCs are only applied for within the housing application.
After submitting an enrollment confirmation, incoming students can complete the Housing & Meal Plan form in Porches ... Transfer students may apply for housing once they have confirmed their ...
All students who wish to live on campus during the academic year must submit a housing application by the designated deadline to be considered. There are also other times of year when a supplemental ...
Students should not wait until the last minute to apply to housing as it takes 3-5 business days to access the housing application after the confirmation deposit has been paid to Admissions if the ...
Students may select one move-in and one move-out date and a nightly charge will apply for the entire period requested. IMPORTANT: Students will be allowed to select dates based on their spring housing ...
Nurse’s bill would require the city to conduct a three-month review of the 2010E form, consulting with supportive housing tenants and providers, and remove any parts of the application that aren’t ...