The Input Tax Credit (ITC) allows you to claim credit for the GST paid on business-related purchases. Whether it is raw ...
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was implemented in July 2017 and multi-state GST registrations have been facing confusion regarding the process for distributing common input tax credits (ITC) availed ...
GST: The government has made the ISD mechanism mandatory, effective April 1, 2025. This means that the distribution of common ...
Input Service Distributor (ISD) [w.e.f. 01/04/2025] The concept of ISD started as a facility made available to businesses having a large share of common expenditure and billing / ...
Recovery of credit taken based on documents issued by the ‘input service distributor (ISD)’ by subjecting it to scrutiny for ...
A system that allows buyers to pay taxes directly to the government while paying would enhance trust, improve tax compliance, ...