It ended in 1866, but The Cricketer's Companion had taken its place in 1865. A mind as cogent as John Wisden's realised the value of such a publication as an advertisement and he determined to ...
If you do not have a form, please send a stamped addressed envelope (or international reply coupon) to: Cricketers of the Century, John Wisden and Co, 25 Down Road, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey GU1 ...
"This is where cricket finds itself ... At the opposite pole is a healthy slice of playfulness, from Emma John's appraisal of Wisden's history on Desert Island Discs to the pleasingly irreverent ...
Wisden CricInfo has enabled the Pakistan Cricket Board to sell tickets online for the Samsung Cup India-Pakistan cricket matches in March-April 2004. Wisden CricInfo will run special booths in ...