Leon Trotsky was a pivotal figure in the 1905 and October 1917 revolutions. A close ally of Vladimir Lenin, he served as Foreign Commissar, negotiating peace terms with Germany, and then as War ...
A young water protector observes a black snake who threatens to poison the water and bring ruin toward the world. As the girl ...
Narrated in the first person by Lev Bronshtein (Leon Trotsky’s real name), the novel ... from that crazy Georgian who robs banks and sends Lenin valises filled with rubles?” ...
asserted today at the mass trial of 21 Bolshevik leaders for treason that Great Britain accepted him as Russian ambassador only after learning that he was associated with Leon Trotsky. Asserting ...
Bolshevik revolutionary Leon Trotsky and writer Joseph Brodsky are ... Revolution and Anatoly Lunacharsky who would become Lenin's top cultural official, as well as Trotsky himself.
Herein lies the basic and primary difference between communist internationalism and all varieties of national socialism” (Leon Trotsky, The Third International After Lenin [New York: Pathfinder ...
Lev Bronshtein, whom history and the world would know as Leon Trotsky, is at the center of ... just before Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik communists took power in Russia. Robert Littell, who ...
One of the most influential revolutionary leaders of the 20th century, Leon Trotsky played a key role in shaping Communist ideology. As a close associate of Vladimir Lenin, he was instrumental in the ...