God chooses Bezalel, his assistant Oholiab, and every skilled craftsman that God has found (male or female) (Exodus 31:1-6). Skilled craftsmen, like God, are creative. They, like the Sabbath, are the ...
The first demand of the “people” was that the purportedly deceased Moses be replaced with numerous leaders. Perhaps they ...
During Lent many Christians use the time to fast something. This is the story ...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
Parshah Ki Tisa is a particularly sobering portion of the Torah. It recounts the episode of the Golden Calf, as the ...
At Mount Sinai, God gave Moses a set of ten laws that they should follow in order to please him. Moses carved these laws on tablets of stone. God told Moses that if these rules were not followed ...