You can get it any time of the year, but there is a seasonal increase in the winter for reasons that scientists are not quite sure of. But people spend a lot of ...
As more people gathered together for the holidays, it led to prime conditions for the norovirus to spread, an infectious disease doctor said.
Many common disinfectants (containing things like ammonia and alcohol), hand sanitizer, and even Clorox and Lysol wipes, ...
Norovirus is on the rise. Here's what norovirus feels like, some common causes of the latest outbreak, how long symptoms can last and more crucial info.
Rates of norovirus in that CDC system have reached levels at or above last season's peak in all regions of the country.
(It might not seem like a lot, but many more cases probably go unreported.) With cases on the rise, more people may want to know how norovirus is spread, what symptoms to expect and how long they ...
You can also get norovirus by touching objects or surfaces that are contaminated and then putting your hands in your mouth ...
We are well into the cold and flu season here in Wyoming, but another virus that has made it's presence known recently is the ...