The Moses of the Bible is a diplomat negotiating with the pharaoh; he is a lawgiver bringing the Ten Commandments, the Covenant, down from Sinai. The Moses of the Bible is a military man leading ...
As long as it is,Cecil B. DeMille's 'The Ten Commandments' ignores some of the most interesting parts of Moses' journey.
To escape the edict of Egypt's Pharaoh Rameses I (Ian Keith), condemning all newborn Hebrew males, the infant Moses (Fraser C. Heston) is set adrift on the Nile in a reed basket. Saved by the ...
Testament: The Story Of Moses ... the Pharoah inflicted on the Hebrews. The third episode is about the Exodus, including when Moses parted the Red Sea, and Moses being bestowed the Ten Commandments.
DeMille’s epic The Ten Commandments ... iconic 1956 “remake” about how Moses (Charlton Heston) turned his back on a life of privilege in the land of Pharaoh (Yul Brynner) to set his Hebrew ...
It's very long and extremely po-faced, and most of the performances are pretty wooden, Yul Brynner's imperious pharaoh aside. Even so, Cecil B DeMille's 1956 account of the life of Moses (Charlton ...
The story begins in the city of Pi-Ramesses, in Egypt, at approximately 1300 B.C, when the powerful pharaoh Seti, orders the death of every male newborn in his hatred of the Hebrew people.