Since the beginning of 2025, more than 160 people have died from poisoning after drinking bootleg alcohol in Turkey. Even the ...
Although Turkey is a nominally secular country, alcohol taxes have risen sharply under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Muslim who vociferously opposes drinking. A liter bottle of raki ...
Although Turkey is a nominally secular country, alcohol taxes have risen sharply under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Muslim who vociferously opposes drinking. A liter bottle of raki ...
At least 152 people have died in Turkiye since the start of the year after drinking bootleg alcohol, state news agency Anadolu reported yesterday.  The figure updated an earlier figure of 133 dead ...
Bootleg alcohol is significantly cheaper than the heavily taxed national alcoholic drink, raki. Rising costs due to high inflation have also pushed some restaurants and bars to use bootleg and ...
Although Turkey is a nominally secular country, alcohol taxes have risen sharply under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Muslim who vociferously opposes drinking. A litre bottle of raki ...
Raki, a traditional Turkish anise-flavored spirit, is facing a crisis due to increasing deaths from bootleg alcohol consumption caused by high taxes. Turkish government's tax policy and ...
But more recently raki has been getting a different kind of reputation: It's become known as the guilty party in an increasing number of deaths from alcohol poisoning, in particular in Turkey's ...