I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that it was said to those of old, "You shall not ...
The Ten Commandments traditionally airs the Saturday ... A wax figure of Pharaoh’s son was made for the death scene to lay on the altar. 16. The illusion of the Red Sea parting was achieved ...
Senate Bill 34 would require schools to display one of nine 'historical documents' in classrooms, including the U.S. Constitution, Magna Carta and, controversially, the Ten Commandments.
A new proposal from the Ohio Senate would allow school districts to display the Ten Commandments inside public schools. Senate Bill 34, also called the Historical Educational Displays Act ...
The national motto, "In God We Trust", will also be required to be displayed in public school districts and local government ...
The committee also gave initial approval to a bill that would allow prayer in schools. The Ten Commandments Monument is seen at the Texas Capitol in Austin. A Texas Senate panel on Tuesday ...
A Texas Senate committee on Tuesday approved a bill to require all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in each classroom, teeing it up to breeze through the Republican-dominated upper ...
The Montana Senate voted down a bill Saturday to require public schools to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom, albeit with an emotional debate about the need for moral standards in the ...
The Ten Commandments Monument is seen at the Texas Capitol in Austin. A Texas Senate panel on Tuesday advanced a bill Tuesday that would require schools to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms.