"Barry Island?... I am not traipsing the best side of my family all the way down to Wales to see my son, my only son, get married in some dirty fairground," she fumed. The final episode of Gavin ...
Henry Danter, owner of Barry Island pleasure park, has said he plans a huge site to house his accommodation plans and hopes to use Cardiff Airport. It comes after he told WalesOnline earlier this ...
A petition started by Louis opposing the planned on-street parking charges at Barry Island has gained more than 3,300 signatures so far. The proposed charges for Barry Island, if they go ahead in ...
Harry Danter, owner of Barry Island Pleasure Park in South Wales, has revealed he wants to use a huge site, similar to other major UK theme parks, to accommodate hundreds of visitors. He hopes to ...
Jackie Rogers, 65, a stalwart staff member at the Hyper Value shop on the seafront of Barry Island, has dedicated 40 years of service and now works alongside her two daughters. Each morning begins ...
Henry Danter, owner of Barry Island pleasure park, has said he plans a huge site to house his accommodation plans and hopes to use Cardiff Airport. It comes after he told WalesOnline earlier this week ...