You're looking unrealistically thin today! Ken: Funny, I was going to say the same about you. Narrator: Barbie is one of the most popular dolls in America. But that doesn't mean that she's loved ...
The dolls also include a handful of other clothes they can change into, as well as a toy replica of the car Barbie drives in the film. Gosling's Ken dolls are already drawing buzz — much like ...
Two dolls, Barbie and Ken, stand on the phonograph. Formal wear Barbie & Ken are posed together in front of a toy closet on Dec. 15, 1964. Charlotte Johnson, director of fashion for the highly ...
You know Barbie, right? No matter your age, you’ve likely owned the doll or known someone who has. Since debuting on March 9, ...
his loyal toys find themselves in daycare where untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice. So, it's all for one and one for all as they join Barbie's counterpart Ken ...
Ruth Handler was inspired to create Barbie when she realized her daughter had limited toy choices ... the first Black and Latino Barbie and Ken dolls after previously relegating multicultural ...
Visitors can walk through a huge, human-scaled Barbie dream house that’s a re-creation of the 1979 plastic version. The ...
She's Barbie: The doll that's launched the imaginations of ... the nature of her relationship with Ken is, well, complicated. Ken (full name: Kenneth Sean Carson) arrived on the scene in 1961 ...