En la 15.ª edición del evento profesional de Trieste, en el que quince iniciativas diferentes esperan participantes, se ...
Produced by Sony and Eagle Pictures, and starring Giuseppe Battiston and Claudia Gerini, the Italian remake of the Spanish ...
Le aziende vincitrici sono state votate da circa 1.000 professionisti presenti al forum di pitching e coproduzione di serie ...
Per la 15ma edizione dell'evento industry, i Paesi baltici e il Benelux saranno sotto i riflettori, mentre 15 diverse ...
For the 15th edition of the industry event, the Baltic countries and the Benelux will be under the spotlight, while 15 ...
El principal festival de cine de animación griego contará con proyecciones de más de 260 películas y nuevos eventos ...
The winning firms were voted for by some 1,000 professionals attending the Toulouse-based pitching and co-production forum ...
At the heart of ANIMASYROS are its eight competition sections, which highlight 118 films from diverse cultures and of ...
Greece’s leading animation festival will feature screenings of over 260 films and will add many industry events to its ...
The study lists five key recommendations, urging the whole film sector to act immediately, as decisions made today will apply ...
European sales, production and financial powerhouse mk2 films has announced a significant multi-year financing deal with ...
On 19 September, Cartoon Forum announced the winners of the Tributes, the three awards handed out annually to honour “the work of broadcasters, investors/distributors and producers in the promotion ...