KAMPALA, Uganda — Uganda discharged on Tuesday the last eight patients who recovered from Ebola , health authorities reported, and there were no other positive cases in the outbreak declared last month. World Health Organization described the recoveries as a milestone that “reflects the power of Uganda’s quick and coordinated response.”
Elon Musk said USAID's "Ebola prevention" was "accidentally canceled" but "immediately" restored. Health specialists following the current outbreak in Uganda raise doubts about the restoration.
The International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched an Emergency Appeal for 6 million Swiss francs to help contain Uganda's eighth Ebola outbreak since 2000, caused by the Sudan Ebola Virus Disease (SVD),
Uganda discharged eight recovered Ebola patients while maintaining quarantine for 265 individuals potentially exposed to the virus. The recent outbreak of the deadly Sudan strain poses challenges as no vaccine exists yet.
KAMPALA, Uganda — Uganda discharged on Tuesday the last eight patients who recovered from Ebola, health authorities reported, and there were no other positive cases in the outbreak declared last ...