Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest ...
The 10 commandments are principles that originated ... however. Some see it as simple as not using God’s name as a swear word, but others see it more as a reflection of your behavior.
“I see the Ten Commandments as a moral framework for the laws we have today and see their display and teaching to be nothing but a reminder of simple morals that are nothing but beneficial for ...
Another bill, which would have mandated prayer and Bible study time in Texas classrooms, has not yet cleared the Texas Senate ...
During a Senate panel hearing on SB 11 and SB 10, the Ten Commandments proposal, earlier this month, Republican lawmakers criticized those who theorized that the Establishment Clause is meant to ...
Two Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers are proposing legislation to require public schools to display the Ten Commandments. Opponents of the legislation, including the ACLU, argue it violates the ...
DALLAS — State Senator Bob Hall, R-Rockwall, thinks the Ten Commandments should be displayed in all public school classrooms in Texas. “They’re pretty good guidance no matter who you are ...