Star Trek: Picard's very first episode ... sufficient warning not to let her put a hand on your head, Doctor! What Agnes Jurati lacked in home cooking, she certainly made up for in homicide.
The Next Generation season 4's "Family" is a classic, and Star Trek Generations killing Jean-Luc's family off-screen never ...
On February 19, 2023, showrunner Matalas, along with actors Michael Dorn (Worf), LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge), and Jonathan Frakes (William Riker), appeared for an interview at the IGN Fan Fest ...
Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Stargazer for 22 years before taking over command of the USS Enterprise-D in Star ...
However, the one crossover that Star Trek fans always wanted to see, but never did, was an encounter between Captain Kirk’s Enterprise-A and Captain Picard’s Enterprise-D from The Next Generation.
Star Trek is a franchise built on exploration and discovery. Kirk, Picard, and other captains face the unknown ready to learn, equipped with more questions than answers. While that inquisitive ...
It's now entirely reasonable to like, say, "Star Trek: Picard" but not "Lower Decks". Completism is not — and should not be — essential. "Star Trek" is not alone in this over-reliance on its ...
While many science fiction franchises can stake a claim for the best time-travel stories of all time, it’s hard to argue against the huge temporal influence of Star Trek. Yes, various shows and ...
A "Star Trek" themed cruise will celebrate the franchise's 60th anniversary. The cruise will depart from Orlando, Florida, on Feb. 20, 2026 and visit ports in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico ...
Roberto Orci, the writer-producer behind the late 2000s reboots of “Star Trek” and “Transformers” and creator of “Fringe,” died Tuesday in his Los Angeles home from kidney disease ...
Roberto Orci, the producer and writer behind “Star Trek,” “Transformers” and several other action-adventure movies and the TV reboot “Hawaii Five-0,” died on Tuesday at his Los Angeles ...