Internal DHS and FBI documents question the effectiveness of using tattoos to identify Venezuelan members of Tren de Aragua.
Isabel Olive's band Half Gringa released 'Cosmovisión' where she incorporates bilingual lyrics and pays tribute to her Venezuelan identity.
Relatives and attorneys seek answers about the men sent to the high-security prison as the Venezuelan government calls for ...
Lawyers and relatives of Venezuelans flown from the United States to a notorious jail in El Salvador believe the men were ...
But the tattoo – a crown sitting atop a soccer ball with a rosary and the word "Dios," which means God in Spanish – was ...
Contingency Planning Memoranda identify plausible scenarios that could have serious consequences for U.S. interests and propose measures to both prevent and mitigate them. Venezuela is in a state ...
From its origins in a garage to becoming one of the most recognisable symbols in the world, explore the story behind the iconic Apple logo design. Apple is a company that has changed the technology ...
PROTECCIÓN DE LAS PERSONAS PRIVADAS DE LIBERTAD En Venezuela, el CICR visita a personas privadas de libertad en diferentes centros de detención y vela por que reciban un trato y condiciones dignos. La ...
Si bien la opción de continuar sus vidas en Estados Unidos estuvo presente, el espíritu emprendedor de Hamilton lo hizo irse a Venezuela, país que estaba en las noticias internacionales por su ...
El Departamento de Estado confirmó que aún hay nueve estadounidenses detenidos injustamente en Venezuela y exigió su liberación inmediata (REUTERS) El Departamento de Estado estadounidense ...