he yelps on "Small Town Fame," his bereavement tinged with annoyance and disbelief ... Have the girls up at 29 on stage twerkin' with a dictionary?" That's quite the spin; I laughed out loud when I ...
Police uncover that Jamie had been radicalized by incel propaganda online. "Incel" is a term that stands for "involuntary ...
“Big back” is slang for an overweight person, a “food lover” or someone who eats a lot, according to Urban Dictionary.
Internet slang has evolved over the years shaping communication while bridging — and sometimes dividing — generations.
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"Slay." "Period." It's giving." These days it seems like you can have entire conversations with just a handful of overused ...
And that's exactly why Spokeo created a guide to current online and offline slang. That's not to say you should try to deploy this slang too much if you're over a certain age, but a little fluency ...
It’s time to put the Grindr-obsessed, U-haul theory to bed and connect over being “bad queers.” Join Shana and Kris as they ...
Vice President of Growth & Engagement at CBS News and Stations Jennifer Earl is the Vice President of Growth & Engagement at CBS News and Stations. Jennifer has previously written for outlets ...
he yelps on "Small Town Fame," his bereavement tinged with annoyance ... Have the girls up at 29 on stage twerkin' with a dictionary?" That's quite the spin; I laughed out loud when I first ...