If the West is going to survive as a semi-concrete entity and not either be subsumed into an amorphous global neoliberal blob ...
Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Exodus and its connection to slavery and liberation.
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...
In a recent New York Times article, “How Covid Remade America,” David Wallace-Wells makes the case how the pandemic destroyed ...
A book banned from the Bible written more than 2,100 years ago ... This book claims to be the divine revelation given directly to Moses on Mount Sinai. But unlike Genesis... It wasn't written ...
Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
In ‘Giants Awakened,’ the sixth episode of ‘House of David,’ ill omens gather on the horizon as the House of Saul faces ...
It takes creativity to embrace an invisible God. It takes strength to worship a God who exists, who lives, but who does not ...