suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? Let us know! A bill to install temporary speed enforcement cameras in school zones has stalled in a Philadelphia City ...
A City Council committee decided to hold a bill that would introduce automated speed enforcement cameras to school zones across Philadelphia, citing a need for more public engagement in the ...
House Bill 1139 would allow a judge to order an Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) device in the cars of drivers who have been convicted of reckless driving multiple times. Montgomery County ...
Conservation groups are intervening in a case they say could have implications for current speed rules that are intended to ...
The drive has arrived again within the state legislature to accelerate up to 75 mph the speed limit on certain interstate and North Carolina highway routes. Bipartisan House Bill 112, titled ...
Bill Belichick's 23-year-old girlfriend is apparently tapped into all things in Chapel Hill. Of course, the legendary football coach joined the Tar Heels late last year to become their head coach ...
Reed Ingram tells WSFA that he will file a bill to harshen the penalty for suspects ... “It happens throughout the state, we probably have a high-speed chase, at least a couple a week, throughou ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WSPA) – A bill in the senate is focusing on how South Carolina Law Enforcement should handle high-speed chases. If passed, Lawmakers said the bill would prioritize public safety ...
Bill Simmons, five years after Spotify bought his media startup The Ringer for about $250 million in cash, is staying on with the streaming giant. Simmons has renewed his contract with Spotify and ...