you might not be able to use your phone for a boarding pass. If you're not sure if it'll work or not, you're still better off printing your pass. You Use Your Phone A Lot, Or Not At All ...
However, should that be the case, passengers who don’t have access to a printer should be prepared to pay a fee at the airport for Ryanair to print the Moroccan airport boarding pass for you.
But if the prospect of being directed to remove your shoes to pass through the body scanner feels like an affliction, it’s worth taking a look at your boarding pass for a code that could make a ...
When you hear the word "printer," you probably think of that machine connected to your computer that spits out boarding passes, greeting cards, and photos (sometimes guzzling ink in the process).
Your smartphone would have you believe there’s simply no reason to own a printer anymore: Your boarding pass is available on your phone. Your concert ticket is available on your phone.
Ryanair is set to revolutionise the boarding process by eliminating airport check-in desks and moving entirely to digital ...
Bill Raftery might know that the best call is last call, but that doesn’t mean he knows how to use a mobile boarding pass. To be fair, the 81-year-old Raftery has far better things to worry ...
A savvy traveller has revealed a clever tip to dodge extra charges that Ryanair might spring on you at the airport. Chelsea Dickenson, known as the 'cheap holiday expert', is a seasoned traveller ...