Selling your longtime home and downsizing in retirement is a common practice for people entering their golden years. While ...
I am selling my house and the price is $504,999. After paying off this house I will net $400,000. Do I have to pay a capital ...
When you sell a primary residence, the IRS allows you to exclude from your capital gains taxes the first $250,000 of profits ...
Form 1099-B is a tax form issued by brokers or barter exchanges to both the IRS and the taxpayer. It provides details about ...
Cryptocurrency trading might feel like the Wild West for much of the year, but come tax season, several IRS rules still apply ...
Q: We are selling our townhome this year that we bought almost 30 years ago. We lived there first for 17 years, as a primary ...
Tax season can be stressful, but knowing how the U.S. tax system works can help you legally reduce your tax burden and keep ...
Dividend-paying equities offer upside potential from capital appreciation and dividend growth, whereas bonds typically pay ...