Maybe that’s even more than half of the fun. [CuriousMarc] got an HP 5061A Cesium clock, a somewhat famous instrument as the model that attempted to prove the theory of relativity. The reason?
Additionally, internal exposure to Cesium-137 can elevate the risk of developing various types of cancer. The isotope ...
The bulk of the radioactivity in the wastewater being pumped into the ocean is from tritium, the radioactive form of hydrogen, and carbon-14, neither of which can be filtered from water they ...
When the microwave signal exactly matches the material’s resonance frequency — 9.192631770 GHz, in the case of cesium — the number of atoms changing state will be at a maximum, so you know ...
The treated water also contains a trace amount of other radioactive materials, including cesium. Ahead of the second discharge, TEPCO, a private research laboratory and the Japan Atomic Energy ...