One of them displays two men wearing helmets that look very similar to the ones used by Daft Punk, and the other one ... Homecoming suit in which the spider logo also acted as a drone (thank ...
We’ve reached into the archives for a bit of Daft Punk helmet nostalgia, so stick on Harder Better Faster and lets take a look at them, er, one more time.
Currently on an epic world tour, the Grammy-winning techno duo snuck into L.A. for a revealing chat about secret inspirations and terrifying moments of man vs. machine.
There have been some great Marvel collectibles popping up lately to preorder, but this Marvel Legends Series Doctor Doom helmet certainly takes the cake. Coming in at $99.99, this 1:1 scale Doctor ...
'Get Lucky' is the 136th single to cross the 1m mark in the 60-year history of the UK Singles Chart ...
// Fiery demon horns (rawr!) for Adafruit Trinket/Gemma. // Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, // please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing ...
// Contains some ATtiny85-specific stuff; won't run as-is on Uno, etc. // Operates in HSV (hue, saturation, value) colorspace rather than RGB. // Animation is an interference pattern between two waves ...