A study published in the Genomic Press earlier this month states how plastic water bottles are the “biggest source [for ...
Every time you take a sip from your water bottle, you are depositing bacteria inside and over the course of a day these can ...
Experts have revealed microplastics in plastic water bottles could negatively impact our kidneys due to being primary ...
As someone on intense medications that require me to stay hydrated, I bought the Pro to help me stay on top of my water ...
The Bink bottle is the latest to take over the internet. But does social media have a reusable water bottle problem?
Water is really good for you! But plastic water bottles aren't—and they're bad for the planet too. You already know that you ...
This is the best bottle on the market and it’s not so overhyped right now that you won’t have to take out a mortgage to ...
H2 might also have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, says Dr. Kelley. The molecule can potentially help alleviate ...