The Centre has formed two task forces to address amendments in the Atomic Energy Act and private suppliers' concerns, opening ...
Energy Minister Chris Bowen said, in order to foster Australia’s production of low-carbon fuels. “Australia has the know-how and the skills to meet the crucial task of decarbonising hard-to ...
More than 150 people attended a community meeting in Upper Makefield Township, Bucks County, on Tuesday night to voice their frustrations and concerns over the recent response to a pipeline that ...
This Australian mining town offers a promising example of how to survive - and even thrive - while maintaining your green ...
Climate change negatively affects all people and sectors of society, but these impacts are not experienced equally. States, ...
Dividends are one of the best benefits to being a shareholder, but finding a great dividend stock is no easy task ... Fuel Gas Company (NYSE:NFG) stands against other best performing energy ...
U.S. gas exporters quickly moved to replace Russian gas in Europe. The U.S. has become the biggest exporter of LNG to the ...
The committee, which had been given a three-month timeline to complete its work, failed to meet the deadline, prompting strong reactions from lawmakers as it marked the second extension since the task ...
The Alaska Gas Pipeline project and its LNG export facility have been hindered by its $44 billion price tag and its daunting construction task. Still, President Trump’s emphasis on American energy ...
The energy is derived from the center of the Earth, but scientists are certain the core is very, very slowly cooling off. Keeping the center of the Earth hot are two sources of “fuel ...
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