Next generation hair products we love, including curly, thickening and clean products, along with cruelty-free hair dyes.
From low-maintenance balayage to all-over color, these caramel hair color ideas will warm up your complexion and make your ...
Remove colours gently using coconut oil, nourish hair with sulfate-free shampoos, hydrate well & follow a detox routine for ...
Life is full of changes, and as you move through different stages, dramatic shifts happen to your appearance, attitude, and ...
Where: Check into wellness sanctuaries like Soukya in Bangalore or Vana Retreat in Dehradun for a guided Panchakarma cleanse. Still scrubbing Holi colours off in the shower? A Moroccan Hammam will do ...
No game drive vehicles, no cell service, no crowds. On a four-day walking and fly-camping trip in one the Park's protected ...
Just as "Modern Family" actress Sarah Hyland's screen career has changed from youthful support to lead, so too has her hair ...
The exquisitely exacting and expensive process (three to four times more costly than reliable black and white) was a major ...
The advent of social media changed life in the sleepy town of Gadha, where a 28-year-old Dhirendra Krishna Garg aka Bageshwar ...
As many of us embark on our spring cleaning, it seems shoppers are swapping out their old hoovers for a 'fantastic' model ...
It’s astonishing, Lilian often thought, that people feel this urge to talk about themselves with a stranger, however much or little they have lived.