The first thing God told Prophet Abraham in the Biblical account was: “Leave your country, your kindred, and your father’s household ... to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in ...
Perhaps because of our Triune God, a lot of things both religious and secular seem to be explained or expressed in threes.
The latest from Columbia poet Gabriel Fried explores thin places between expressions of gender, between faith and doubt.
Saint Germain is one of the best-known members of the Great White Brotherhood. This brotherhood was founded millions of years ...
She testified that Joseph Smith restored the ancient and divine order of women, and a living prophet leads the Church ... meant to bring all of our Heavenly Father’s children back home ...
There are speculations in parts of the world, particularly in modern Western nations, individuals of remarkable are cloned.
So, here goes the story of his ‘re-opening or unlocking or re-entering’ the City which he had been born in and which had been ...
Elder Hans T. Boom, a General Authority Seventy, taught students at a recent BYU–Hawaii devotional how to seek God and learn ...
8 Whereas Christ's knowledge, as Prophet and Revealer ... "I had to be in my Father's house" (Lk 2:48-50, obviously meaning, not Joseph, but his Eternal Father9), nor the first declaration ...
House of David Episode 6 readies David and Goliath for war, pushing them closer to their fateful confrontation. Read our ...
Sister Dennis said thinking of all the groups of women around the world meeting for the devotional and then bearing ...