France will deploy Rafale fighter jets equipped with supersonic nuclear warheads along its border with Germany in 2035, ...
France is to strengthen its nuclear defence posture, with French President Emmanuel Macron announcing on 18 March that ...
Two Rafale squadrons capable of carrying nuclear missiles will be deployed at Luxeuil-Saint-Sauveur air base in eastern ...
President Emmanuel Macron has announced the reopening of Luxeuil Air Base, which will host 40 newly built Rafale F5 fighter jets equipped with ...
France will accelerate Rafale orders and restore Luxeuil Air Base as a nuclear deterrence hub amid rising geopolitical ...
It’s a new day in Europe. Gone are the halcyon years of unshakeable American commitment to Europe’s defense against Russia.
Talk of replacing the American nuclear umbrella over Europe with the small British and French nuclear armories is in the air, ...
Paris and London can provide the assurances that stop a continental race for nuclear weapons, but it won't be easy.
Europe is racing to rethink its security strategy as President Donald Trump overhauls U.S. policy on Ukraine and the EU.
The US spending $1.7 trillion on nuclear modernisation in 30 years and Emmanuel Macron’s reckless offering of a European ...
“W E WOULD BE safer if we had our own nuclear arsenal,” Donald Tusk, Poland’s prime minister, told his country’s parliament ...