NASA scientists used satellite measurements to map out local subsidence and uplift across the Golden State, which plays into ...
A daunting climate change map that tracks sea levels shows that historic parts of Edinburgh are expected to be underwater in ...
Adaptation can also involve changing how and where people live, prohibiting them from rebuilding in areas that repeatedly ...
Some federal websites, including the White House’s, have already deleted climate information, including reports on resilience ...
Smart farming is the way of the future, requiring the adoption of technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, Industry 4.0 and ...
“ Tropical regions are home to rich biodiversity and diverse ecosystems, including vital natural land types such as forests. There is a more consistent consensus that temperature increases in tropical ...
UNICEF is mainstreaming climate-smart programming to protect and empower young people, mitigate negative impacts and ...
Cliffs slope into the ocean in San Simeon, California. All along the state's dynamic coastline, land is inching down and up ...
President Trump delights in alarming opponents and aiding friends in polluting industries By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue ...
As the pace of the electric-vehicle revolution quickens, Kia is angling for a bigger slice of the action with the new EV5.