Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
We are coming off of the beautiful holiday of Purim. In the Megillah, we read how Haman offered King Ahasuerus 10,000 kikar ...
The Rev. Mike Ruffin talks about overcoming frustration with God in trying times. He mentions Gene Hackman in the “The ...
One of the school's athletic directors, who happens to be a long-time friend of the referee, jumped into action.
A Miami Beach Officer is recounting the moments he felt his life was in danger while on a rescue mission<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
In uncertain times, rabbis provide guidance, connection, and resilience—helping Jewish communities navigate chaos, identity, ...
In the sixth episode of The Deep End, listen to what’s next for Jon Nelson and for deep brain stimulation research for depression.
Until the pandemic, I had never heard the term. Now it seems like everyone has it, whether they have long COVID or not.
You have read in Scripture of the golden calf (Exodus 32), the idol that the Israelites fashioned when they grew impatient ...
The Golden Calf While Moshe was absent up on Mount Sinai, the people feared he was dead and turned to Aaron and demanded that ...