A pilgrimage from Palestine to Mount Sinai over a new route was made by a party consisting of three prominent Jews in Palestine. The party consisted of Dr. Judah L. Magnes, dean of the Hebrew ...
The Qur’an refers to this incident: “We raised the Mountain over you saying: Hold firm to what we have given you, and study its commandments; so that you may attain piety towards God, (as God lovers) ...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
Allah made Islam to be an easy religion. But the Quran tells us Jews that we must not work publicly on the Sabbath or we will be named monkeys and pigs.
When He had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, stone tablets, written ...
However there was one sense that had always been pure – that was the most subtle and intangible of senses – the sense of ...
During Lent many Christians use the time to fast something. This is the story ...
The Rebbe explained that when God appeared at Mount Sinai, He was returning to the world, His garden — transforming it into a ...
Parshah Ki Tisa is a particularly sobering portion of the Torah. It recounts the episode of the Golden Calf, as the ...