About 450 people attended the 38th annual breakfast, which also included presenting a Trailblazer Award to John Miller, ...
"While others were advocating for freedom by 'any means necessary,' including violence, Martin Luther King Jr. used the power ...
Today, as the United States pauses to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the words of the civil rights icon echo across ...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day honors the legacy of the civil rights activist who strove for equal rights and is most known for ...
When we think of Martin Luther King Jr., we often think of the civil rights leader and icon. But beneath this layer, another ...
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deserves to have his legacy of non-violence, love and justice recalled in the context of ...
Spectators at the Martin Luther King Jr. parade in San Diego on Sunday said they wished for a city and nation where all have ...
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
It's an easy decision, for me. Martin Luther King Jr. Day honors service, not self-gratification.
During Martin Luther King Jr.'s years of public appearances, he visited S.C. 10 times between 1959 and 1967, favoring the Penn Center in as a special retreat.
What would the nation’s great civil rights leader, whose birthday is traditionally celebrated with speeches and ceremonies ...
MLK Day is a federal holiday, meaning most federal entities close to commemorate the contributions of Martin Luther King Jr.