He had been, first, an adopted prince of Egypt, and had then taken refuge with Yitro and the Midianites. Relative to Aaron, Moses, his younger brother, was also an outsider. Yet God says ...
To Jacob (Gen 26:3; 31:3), to Moses (Ex 3:12), and to Moses’ successor ... God is calling him to deliver the Israelites from the Midianites, their formidable foe. What an assurance for Gideon!
The Torah's juxtaposition of Amalek (seeking destruction) and Yitro (offering wisdom) teaches us that protection and ...
The sheikhs arrived via buses to the border gate, where they were greeted by their Druze brethren living in Israel in a ...
The Mesopotamian vogue engulfed even Jewish scholars who proceded to ascribe everything of worth in the Old Testament to Babylonian antecedents wherever a Canaanitish, Midianite, Hittite ...