Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
The first demand of the “people” was that the purportedly deceased Moses be replaced with numerous leaders. Perhaps they ...
In uncertain times, rabbis provide guidance, connection, and resilience—helping Jewish communities navigate chaos, identity, ...
Sydney crime syndicate used antisemitic attacks to mislead police and reduce sentences, authorities reveal after mass arrests ...
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
"The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his tail," warns a timeless Chinese proverb. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ...
This week’s Torah portion, Ki Tisa, provides us a powerful reflection on human nature, faith, and the psychological ...
It takes creativity to embrace an invisible God. It takes strength to worship a God who exists, who lives, but who does not “do.” ...
He is believed to have committed suicide after suffering severe complications from gender-transition surgery.
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...