Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Exodus and its connection to slavery and liberation.
Work may be done for six days, but the seventh day must be holy for you—a complete rest from work—unto G-d. Whoever does work ...
The first demand of the “people” was that the purportedly deceased Moses be replaced with numerous leaders. Perhaps they ...
We must remember that what hurts you will also eventually hurt me and that we, the collective we, will not survive. Community is where we find God. Our relationship with God is We-Thou, not I-Thou.
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
"Rabbis remind us that we Jews know our capacity — for courage, for purpose, for action," writes a rabbi who trains and ...
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
And when they came to Mount Sinai and built the Mishkan ... of Hashem filling it perpetually” (Introduction to the Book of Exodus). According to the Ramban, then, the building of the Mishkan ...