The Nuremberg War Trial has a strong claim to be considered ... They should not be allowed to escape with the plea Macbeth offered for Banquo's murder, "Thou canst not say I did it." ...
one of the family members receiving the government notice of the plea bargain, condemned the long wait for justice, and the outcome. “It took months or a year at the Nuremberg trials,” said ...
NUREMBERG, Nov. 20, 1945 (UP) - Twenty leaders of the Nazi regime went on trial before a United Nations tribunal today and listened to an indictment holding them responsible for World War II.
Twenty-two of the indicted men eventually sat in the dock in the Nuremberg courtroom. Three of the defendants escaped trial: industrialist Gustav Krupp, who was too frail; Hitler's private ...
A trial always ends abruptly – the verdict may be eagerly awaited but once delivered there is nothing left for the lawyers or judges to do. In the case of the Nuremberg war crime trials after ...
The case we present is a plea of humanity to law ... by the time he led the team at the Einsatzgruppen Trial, one of the “Subsequent” Nuremberg proceedings that followed the 1945-1946 ...