Someone had to fill the void after Radiohead had largely abandoned rock music. All this is to recall Coldplay’s roots as a rock band. Yes, a rock band with piano riffs, but a rock band, nonetheless.
Explore what's behind the lyrics of "Wonderwall" as we uncover the song that attracts millions. Find the themes and stories that made it an iconic hit.
Oasis’ long-awaited reunion is set to be the biggest concert of the year so if you get the chance to go; take it, it might never happen again. Sabrina Carpenter’s got a string of UK gigs next ...
Juggling multiple instances of Notepad isn’t easy, but I was thrilled when Windows 11 added tabs to Notepad. Now, a single window holds all my open Notepad files without cluttering up my taskbar.
Liam Gallagher appears to be putting his partying days (mostly) behind him as he makes a big change ahead of the Oasis reunion tour. Oasis Live ’25 is one of the most highly-anticipated tours ...