Indoor pepper plants need warm ambient temperatures, so you may need to adjust your home's thermostat accordingly or use a ...
Usually, our first thought when we think about making plant-based or vegan food is that it is going to require a lot of work ...
Learn how to grow chives, a perennial herb with a subtle onion flavor, using these expert tips for a thriving garden.
Gardeners won't want to miss out on these award-winning vegetable and flower varieties from All-America Selections, proven to ...
The Herb and Garden Faire at Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum is one of the plant sales and swaps coming to Lancaster ...
If you are a long time resident or visitor to Sanibel, most likely you know about Brazilian pepper, while those with less ...
New types of Catmint grow in a tidy mound, and "lavender, blue, or pink flowers last for weeks from spring to late summer", ...
Though temperatures are warming up, Kansans are not in the clear just yet when it comes to planting those fruits and ...
You can start with a simple and cheap pot of supermarket basil and turn it into your own large supply to last you all year.