Make a plan and set realistic goals Once you decide ... There are many different types of physical activity to choose from. Find a few that work for you and be sure to vary them occasionally.
Fitness trainer Divy Chheda shares a comprehensive 7-step strategy on Instagram for tackling belly fat over three months. The ...
Getting in a certain amount of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can help lower the risk for neuropsychiatric ...
Correspondence to Dr Andrew Murray, Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, UK; docandrewmurray{at} If you wish to reuse any or all of this ...
Ask your doctor about a physical activity plan that’s right for you. If you want to lose weight and strategies like dietary adjustments and increased physical activity aren’t effective ...
Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help improve your overall wellbeing and bring other advantages. For example, it can give you opportunities to spend time with ...
A new skills plan has been launched to boost the sport and physical activity sector in Cheshire and Warrington.