Introduction:You might think Flight Simulation is for little boys, wannabe pilots and nerds. These days it is a very serious ...
I always dreamt of flying from the time I was a young kid. Indeed, my first hospital visit was the direct result of a ...
Living the dream — as in achieving a strongly desired goal — is a great personal experience. But sometimes that ...
American Airlines Cadet Academy partners with ATP Flight School in Charlotte, North Carolina, to train the next generation of ...
BHPian govindremesh recently shared this with other enthusiasts:Hey Reader! If you're curious to read about the flying lesson ...
Is the F.A.A. really ensuring safety by disqualifying pilots who receive a diagnosis or treatment? Troy Merritt, a pilot, ...
Allegations of compromised flight training is by far the most worrisome problem the airline faces, given ensuring passenger ...
Now let’s look at India’s current scenario in terms of pilots. As per the ministry of civil aviation figures, IndiGo, India’s ...
It has been 11 years since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 signed off from Malaysian air traffic control with the now-infamous ...
MOZA Racing, a leading innovator in sim racing and flight simulation hardware, is redefining the industry with its highly ...
Check rides usually include a simple yet significant question: What is the difference between currency and proficiency? Both ...