You might assume most takeout containers are recyclable in 2025, but that's far from true. While some materials are almost ...
Between May and October 2024, a network of trash traps in the Toronto Harbour diverted more than 600 kg of debris from Lake ...
Recycling plastic can be confusing, as not all recycling facilities accept the same materials. In Monroe County, our recyclables are processed at Reuter’s Recycling Facility, which does not accept ...
A new book shows how residents of wealthier nations are jeopardizing the health and safety of other parts of the planet.
Daily life in Birmingham amid an ongoing bin strike has become "tremendously difficult", residents said. Piles of bin bags ...
Between May and October 2024, a network of trash traps in the Toronto Harbour diverted more than 600-kg of anthropogenic (man ...
I don’t mean to rubbish their efforts but Pikitup needs a better plan before Joburg residents drown in their refuse ...
Widespread confusion about the recycling requirements means that many sustainably minded people toss items in the ...
But the Mediterranean has become Europe's deepest garbage dump ... This includes plastic bags, a plastic sack, plastic food containers, plastic cups and lids, plastic rope, paper cartons, metal ...
As the temperatures warm up and snow melts, more garbage is visible on London's streets and parks along the Thames River but ...
They should be disposed of in your regular trash bin. Also, don’t put recyclables ... Can I put my food scraps in a plastic bag, or not? Yes, as long as it’s a clear plastic bag.