Enter the price, location and purpose of the property you're buying and our stamp duty calculator will tell you how much tax you'll have to pay on it. This calculator reflects the temporary changes to ...
In the Autumn Budget, stamp duty for buy-to-let properties and second homes increased by two percentage points. The table shows the current buy-to-let stamp duty rates in England and Northern Ireland.
On the polizei-praevention.de portal of the LKA Lower Saxony, officials warn against fraud with fake investment websites for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. This is an ongoing threat that ...
A fire department in the German state of Lower Saxony intervened when a duck's feathers froze to the surface of a pond near a sewage treatment plant. The crew successfully freed the bird from its ...
Firefighters in central Germany swooped into action when the a duck was found with its plumage frozen to the surface of a lake. https://p.dw.com/p/4opxd The nature ...
Quantum fun: Michael Kretschmer, prime minister of Saxony, was one of the first guests in the new quantum escape room, along with children from the Dresden University School. (Courtesy: Amac Garbe) ...
The case ended up with the State Criminal Police Office of Saxony-Anhalt, according to the newspaper. After evaluating the statements, the officials are said to have concluded that the suspect’s ...
The horrifying incident took place at 7:04 p.m.today, with Saxony-Anhalt government officials confirming the details to the dpa news agency. Video footage captured the tense moment armed police ...