The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Agency (BSMEPA), in its capacity as the National Contact Point of Bulgaria for Responsible Business Conduct (NCP), is organizing an event on the ...
"Welcome to the oldest city in Europe" is a phrase you'll hear wherever you go in the Bulgarian town of Plovdiv, where ...
Sie hat es ganz nach oben geschafft. Sie gehört zu den Superreichen, verkehrte in den besten Kreisen der bulgarischen ...
A presentation of the Greek housing acquisition program for Bulgarian citizens was held at the Sofia International Trade ...
A national protest has been organized by various restaurant associations in Bulgaria against the government's decision to reintroduce a 20% VAT rate for the industry. The protest is scheduled to begin ...
Als Prinz Simeon Hassan am 14. März 2007 in Sofia, Bulgarien, das Licht der Welt erblickte, hätten seine Eltern Prinzessin Kalina von Bulgarien, 53, und Kitín Muñoz, 66, nicht stolzer sein ...
“Here you’ll find terracotta-tiled rooftops and beaches very reminiscent of Croatia, with a much smaller price tag. A ...
The Region of Central Macedonia participated in the 41st International Tourism Exhibition “Holiday & Spa Expo 2025”, which ...
“Here you’ll find terracotta-tiled rooftops and beaches very reminiscent of Croatia, with a much smaller price tag. A ...
Bulgarian slalom star Albert Popov, who recently claimed his first World Cup win, learned how to ski at Vitosha, the mountain ...
Bist du manchmal auch genervt vom tristen, regnerischen Wetter in Deutschland? Dann wird es Zeit, den nächsten Urlaub in ...