Comics had already been trying to foster stand-up in Syria before Bashar al-Assad ... given most conservative Muslims’ disapproval of body art. Before the regime’s fall, Mr. al-Homsi would ...
People have asked Marc Nelson “why do you draw such ugly parts of life? Isn't art about beauty?” The American artist's ...
In Beirut in early January, Syrian-German electro duo Shkoon performed in front of a mixed crowd of Lebanese and Syrians in a city and country just emerging from a brutal war waged by Israel.
"The government is not against art. The government ... in November before Assad was toppled. Her first exhibition in Syria since leaving early in 2012 early in the civil war, it comprises works ...
Damascus cultural life resumes with concerts, exhibition We are open to all forms of art ... before Assad was toppled. Her first exhibition in Syria since leaving early in 2012 early in the civil ...
Before Germany, Italy reopened its embassy ... 13 years after it was shut in the early days of Syria’s civil war. The German and European flags fly in front of the newly reopened German embassy ...
A spate of attacks involving loyalists to former ruler President Bashar al-Assad has spurred concerns of a return to ...
A spate of attacks involving loyalists to former ruler President Bashar al-Assad has spurred concerns of a return to ...
The attack Thursday near the port city of Latakia reopened the wounds of the country’s 13-year civil war and sparked the ...